Utah Website Design
Web Design BlogWeb Design Red Flags
If you’re hiring a website designer, you’re about to sink a considerable amount of money and time into creating the perfect website—one that will bring your target audience to your site, get them to stay, and, ultimately, increase conversions. The last thing you want...
2020 Web Design Trends
Web design changes fast, and if you want your site to get the attention it deserves, you need to make sure its design stays in step with the latest trends. To learn more about what’s hot in 2020, we polled industry web design experts. Read on to see what they...
4 Experts on Why You Should Choose a US Web Design Company
If you’re looking for web design for your business, you might be tempted to use an overseas company. After all, they can be cheaper and may even promise quicker return rates. But are the savings worth it? We asked a number of industry professionals to share their...
26 Ways to Market Your Own Website
Maybe you have a beautiful new website and are wondering how to get it in front of as many eyes as possible. Or perhaps business is slow, and you need the sales that an optimized website can generate. Regardless of your specific situation, if you are interested in...
Best Website Backend? 4 Expert Answers.
Looking to build a website for your business? You’ll need to start with a solid backend. The backend is the code that connects your website and its content to the world, and works with the front end to deliver a dazzling and user-friendly product to your potential...
Best Web Design Software for Beginners?
So you want to design a website. There’s so much to think about: content, theme, colors, navigation, calls-to-action, and more. Fortunately, you don’t have to start from scratch. There’s some excellent web design software to help you build a winning site. As you...
Six Pro Social Media Marketing Tools
Like it or not, a solid presence on social media is crucial if you want to stay relevant to the public, but it goes further than just having a company Facebook or Twitter account. You have to stay on top of your content and posts if you want to attract new customers...
Image Sliders: to Use or Not to Use?
You might have had the experience where (scrolling image) you were trying to read something (image rotate) on a website but (image flip) something kept distracting (wha'sdat!) your attention (eh?) on the page. Is it a picture? Is it an ad? But more importantly, Is it...
5 Tips to Improve Your Website’s Design
If you are trying to improve your website, you might be at a loss for where to start. Lucky for you, here is a list of five sure-fire places to start. Less is More It should come as no surprise to you that people won’t stick around on a website that is cluttered and...
PowerPoint Presentation? Go from Awful to Awesome
Let’s start off with a phrase commonly used to refer to presentations, "Death by PowerPoint." You know what I’m talking about. Everyone has sat through at least one of these terrible, horrible, no good, very bad demonstrations. The great thing about PowerPoint is that...
Five Tips for Getting Guest Posting Gigs
If you’re reading this, you’re probably a writer who has felt the swift slap of rejection one too many times, or you’re new to the guest blogging game, and you want to start off on the right foot. Guest blogging is a fantastic way to show that you’re an expert in your...
Why Website Colors Matter
Whether you’re creating a website for the first time, or you feel like your current website needs a facelift, choosing the right colors to use is a good place to start. The problem with beginning there, however, is that the sheer volume of available color schemes can...